Welcome to The Citizens' Crime Prevention
Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (CCPANL) Website. CCPANL is
dedicated to promoting safer homes and communities through various
objectives and strategies.
A Special Thank You
A special thank you to the following police
officers who have been our liaisons over the past 30 years.
RCMP LIAISONS: Cpl. Frank Skidmore (1988-1991)
Inspector Murray Burns (1991-1992)
Sgt. Drew Squires (1992-1992)
Sgt. Bruce McLellan (1992-1996)
Sgt. Maggie Smith (1996-1997)
Sgt. Graham Hobbs (1998-2002)
Cst. John Pardy (2002-2005)
Cst. Tina Brake (2005-2006)
Sgt. Scott Noseworthy (2006-2010)
Sgt. Wayne Newell (2010-2016)
Cst. Tracey Coish (2016)
Sgt. Patricia Reid (2016-2018)
Cst. April Janes (2018-2023)
RNC LIAISONS: Sgt. June Layden (1993-1995)
Sgt. Jim MacDonald (1995-1996)
Sgt. Sean Ryan (1996-1999)
Sgt. Sean Ennis (1999 -2001)
Cst. Glenn Moores (2002 -2004)
Sgt. Kevin Foley (2004 -2016)
Cst. Jason Coombs (2016-2018)
Cst. Tayna Schwartz (2018-2023)
Julie Cunningham (2023-Present)
Our committees often get involved in the spirit
of Christmas and promote safety during these times. The
Bay Roberts Crime Prevention Committee and the St. John's Crime
Prevention Committee take part in their local Santa Clause
Click Thumbnails For
Full Size
Thank You
Buddy Bench Program
Mount Pearl Crime Prevention would like to
thank the Insurance Bureau of Canada whose investment paid
for books for all classes involved with this program. We
would also like to thank the Carpenters Millwright College
for building the benches, the Paint shop in Mount Pearl for
their donation of paint and the art students at O'Donel High
School for their painting the benches.
This project is made possible through a
partnership among the Citizens� Crime Prevention Association,
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Royal Newfoundland
Constabulary and the Newfoundland Liquor Corporation.
The Labrador
West Community Policing Committee partnered with the RNC on
Pumpkin Patrol to keep trick-or-treaters safe.
Kitchen Party
The Labrador
West Community Policing Committee hosted a Kitchen Party for
The Labrador
West Community Policing Committee served breakfast to their RNC
partners and their families.
Pizza Party
The Labrador
West Community Policing Committee delivered twelve adult bibs to
the seniors in long term care along with a pizza card so they
could have a pizza party.
Token of
president, Roberta Stanford, presents token of appreciation to
Cst. John Collins, RCMP Liaison
Wellness Fair
Cheryl Barrett, and Past President Roberta Stanford set up an
information booth at Community Sector "Wellness Fair"
CCPANL Presents
presents cheque to Canadian Red Cross, RCMP's selected charity
during Police Week 2022
CCPANL Presents
Cheryl Barrett and RCMP Liaison, Cst. John Collins present
cheque to Special Olympics during Police Week 2023
CCPANL Presents
CCPANL presents cheque to Community Food Sharing
Association, the RNC chosen charity for Police Week 2023
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
The Rachael Project
Rachel Scott was the first
person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Her
acts of kindness and compassion coupled with the contents of her
six diaries have become the foundation for one of the most
life-changing programs in North America. In one of her diaries
Rachel wrote: �I have this theory � that if one person can go
out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain
reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little
kindness can go.� This started �Rachel�s Challenge�.
This movement is meant to have
a positive impact on people's lives every day. We are
encouraging schools and communities to take an active role with
us through the Rachel Challenge Project.
for a complete overview of this imitative.
Tommy's Songs
You can play the
"Songs for Rachel's Challange Project"
posted on our "Kid's Stuff"